The use of traveling is to regulate imagination by reality, and instead of thinking how things may be, to see them as they are.”

–Samuel Johnson

viernes, 25 de febrero de 2011


Remember when I mentioned that I was looking forward to "hanging out with the guys we met at a disco" in a previous blog.  Well, Anna, Carly, Jackie, and I finally set the date and met up with the three mystery men.  We got to the meeting spot thirty minutes late, and experienced what was quite possibly the most awkward exchange of "hello's" (and reintroductions....) I've ever seen in my life - makes me never want to go on a blind date; thankfully there were four of us to buffer the palpable level of discomfort.   
After the miserable introduction, we asked them to show us places we hadn't seen yet in Valencia to get that truly local tour.  They took us to Plaza del Carmen, a "hot night spot," but a really sketchy and dangerous area full of drug deals during the day.  Mind you it was 5:30 pm.  We quickly turned around and headed back to Plaza de la Virgen (much more innocent) and sat down for a beer - boys with Heinys, girls with Cruzcampos (Spanish beer).  Amidst some more conversation, their true ages came out (they told us they were 21-22 at the club.  19.  Still in high school.  Cool.).  We made the most of it and learned some colloquial terms in our efforts to catch up on the street slang over here.  All in all, they were very nice, and want to go to a disco with us tonight, but seeing as we haven't returned their five-day old text, odds are not in their favor.  HOWEVER, they did say they could get us into clubs for free, so this friendship may go somewhere.  Pics to be posted if we get together again.  Stay tuned.

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